Okay , I added a poll yesterday . Its basically about which clone you would like the most . So I would like to see the results in it.
Im gonna add another poll soon when that one is complete about the two most expensive items in the shop. The itemfiner && the amulet coin. There has been recent chat about which one is better but I dont know which one is the best. So post (in a comment) what one you think is the best and when the poll comes out vote in the poll . Thanks ~
Edit; Poll Closed , Winner In This Order
- Squirtle Clone
- Charmander Clone
- Bulbasaur Clone
Thanks For Voting
Oi, Podz-kun! *glomps* Guess who?
Voted for the Bulba Clone, Ivysaur Clones are da bomb. C:
Heyyy Demi !!! Or Katrina .... Ummm . *Podz Is Very Comfused*
'Tis Demi. Katrina isn't Demi's real name, it's just the name Demi used when she made her gmail account. It was awhile ago, when Demi was obsessed with the name Katrina. XD
Okay :D Well Follow Me On Both Accounts ;)
How do you follow a blog? I don't know how :S
Oh all good! :) I added you to my reading list. First one! YAY! :D
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